Senior Vice President of Lenovo: By 2025, the goal of 80% equipment repairability will be achieved

In recent years, owing to concerns encompassing environmental conservation, the maintainability of electronic devices has garnered considerable attention, thereby prompting manufacturers to refine their hardware designs. Citing information from The Register, at the Canalys EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) Forum 2023, Lenovo’s Senior Vice President and President of Intelligent Device Business Group, Luca Rossi, pronounced that by 2025, a majority of devices they produce, including the intrinsic components, will be repairable. This aligns seamlessly with Lenovo’s ambitious objective of achieving a zero-emission policy by 2050.

“On repairability, we have a plan that by 2025 more than 80 percent of the repair parts will be repaired again so that they they enter into the circular economy to reduce the impact to the environment.”

He added: “More than 80 percent of our devices will be able to be repaired at the customer, by the customer or by the channel and we are enabling this with a design for serviceability kind of approach.”

This means that “batteries, SSD, many things, will not any longer be sealed into the product but will be available for the customer to be to repaired on site and then save a lot of waste.”

Subsequently, Canalys’s CEO, Steve Brazier, posed an intriguing question to Luca Rossi, “If consumers and businesses can prolong the lifespan of their devices effortlessly, wouldn’t this heightened maintainability impact Lenovo‘s profits adversely?”

The query resonated, as many consumers nowadays replace devices not because newer versions offer groundbreaking features but simply because their existing ones malfunction and pose repair challenges.

“I think you cannot you cannot look at this in this way,” he said, adding the future looks very rosy for tech companies. “There are so many opportunities that frankly thinking I’m not worried that we will damage our business by doing what is right for the planet. Not at all.”

In summation, manufacturers enhancing the maintainability of devices is indeed a commendable endeavor.