secator: The pentester’s swiss knife

secator is a task and workflow runner used for security assessments. It supports dozens of well-known security tools and it is designed to improve productivity for pentesters and security researchers.


  • A curated list of commands

  • Unified input options

  • Unified output schema

  • CLI and library usage

  • Distributed options with Celery

  • Complexity from simple tasks to complex workflows

  • Customizable

Supported commands

secator integrates the following commands:

Name Description Category
httpx Fast HTTP prober. http
cariddi Fast crawler and endpoint secrets / api keys / tokens matcher. http/crawler
gau Offline URL crawler (Alien Vault, The Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, URLScan). http/crawler
gospider Fast web spider written in Go. http/crawler
katana Next-generation crawling and spidering framework. http/crawler
dirsearch Web path discovery. http/fuzzer
feroxbuster Simple, fast, recursive content discovery tool written in Rust. http/fuzzer
ffuf Fast web fuzzer written in Go. http/fuzzer
h8mail Email OSINT and breach hunting tool. osint
dnsx Fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit designed for running DNS queries. recon/dns
dnsxbrute Fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit designed for running DNS queries (bruteforce mode). recon/dns
subfinder Fast subdomain finder. recon/dns
fping Find alive hosts on local networks. recon/ip
mapcidr Expand CIDR ranges into IPs. recon/ip
naabu Fast port discovery tool. recon/port
maigret Hunt for user accounts across many websites. recon/user
gf A wrapper around grep to avoid typing common patterns. tagger
grype A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems. vuln/code
dalfox Powerful XSS scanning tool and parameter analyzer. vuln/http
msfconsole CLI to access and work with the Metasploit Framework. vuln/http
wpscan WordPress Security Scanner vuln/multi
nmap Vulnerability scanner using NSE scripts. vuln/multi
nuclei Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML-based DSL. vuln/multi
searchsploit Exploit searcher. exploit/search

Install & Use