Salesforce integrates OpenAI’s artificial intelligence technology into Slack

Salesforce has announced a significant embrace of OpenAI technology, incorporating its generative AI technology to create an enterprise customer management tool called “Einstein GPT”. The company has now brought OpenAI technology to its online collaboration platform Slack, using the ChatGPT feature to assist users in quickly organizing work content and drafting email statements. This feature is currently only available through registration for testing, and no official release date has been confirmed.

Salesforce boasts that this feature will not extract any user or enterprise-uploaded data, ensuring that personal or corporate information will not be leaked. Additionally, the chatbot-style interaction will allow users to naturally interact and gain inspiration from the interaction process, or receive appropriate recommendations for work content.

With OpenAI technology, Salesforce is creating “Einstein GPT”, allowing users to choose the corresponding AI computing model to interact with the customer relationship management system using natural language. This allows users to extract useful information from ever-changing customer relationships.

Currently, the feature is only available in the form of a closed beta test.