RustPotato: privilege escalation tool

RustPotato is a Rust-based implementation of GodPotato, a privilege escalation tool that abuses DCOM and RPC to leverage SeImpersonatePrivilege and gain NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges on Windows systems.

Key Features

  • TCP-based Reverse Shell:
    RustPotato features a TCP-based reverse shell based on Rustic64Shell. It leverages Winsock APIs for network communication and indirect NT APIs for pipe-based I/O redirection, enabling command execution through cmd or powershell.

  • Indirect NTAPI:
    RustPotato leverages indirect NTAPI calls for various operations, including token handling and manipulation.


Below is an overview of its execution flow, highlighting key operations at each step:

1. Initialize and Hook RPC Context

  1. Locate RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE Structure:
    The tool scans the memory of combase.dll to find the RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE structure, a critical component for managing RPC communications through the OXID Resolver.

  2. Hook RPC Dispatch Table:
    RustPotato replaces the first entry in the RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE with a custom function pointer, enabling interception and manipulation of specific RPC calls.

2. Start Named Pipe Server and Trigger RPCSS

The named pipe server plays a central role in impersonation and privilege escalation:

  • Create Named Pipe:
    A named pipe (e.g., \\.\pipe\RustPotato) is created with unrestricted access, serving as the endpoint for client connections.

  • Unmarshal COM Object:
    RustPotato crafts and unmarshals a COM object, compelling RPCSS to establish a connection with the named pipe.

  • Trigger RPCSS:
    The unmarshalled object invokes RPC calls that traverse the hooked dispatch table, allowing RustPotato to intercept and manipulate the interactions.

  • Impersonate Client:
    When RPCSS connects to the named pipe, RustPotato impersonates the client using ImpersonateNamedPipeClient to assume its security context.

  • Retrieve SYSTEM Token:
    During impersonation, RustPotato locates and duplicates a token associated with the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account.

3. Execute Command or Establish Reverse Shell

  • Execute a Command:
    RustPotato uses the duplicated token to execute a specified command, leveraging CreateProcessWithTokenW.

  • Establish a Reverse Shell:
    With reverse shell options (-h and -p), RustPotato connects to a listener and executes commands through cmd or powershell.

4. Restore State and Cleanup

  • Restore RPC Dispatch Table:
    Removes the custom function pointer from the RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE and restores the original state in combase.dll.

  • Terminate Pipe Server:
    Stops the named pipe server, releasing all associated resources and handles.

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