PrimeNG 4.2.2 released, powerful Angular UI component library
PrimeNG 4.2.2 has been released, PrimeNG is a very good open source Angular UI component library, rich native parts, built-in more than 70 easy-to-use components to meet all UI needs.
PrimeNG 4.2.2 offers over 50 improvements, bringing new Sidebar components and performance enhancements and quality improvements.
Sidebar is the new feature of the kit that is displayed on the edge of the screen as an overlay component that provides full-screen mode. View Demo.

New features and improvements
Some other important enhancements to this release include: support for column sorting, percentage of scrolling table display support, support for exporting only selected rows to CSV, dialog box performance improvements, custom rating icons, PanelMenu multiple properties, and so on.
- New Component: Sidebar
- Percentage scrollheight on datatable
- Column Grouping support for Scrollable Table with Frozen Columns
- Calendar should allow same date for start-end range
- Performance improvement for Dialog
- Add resetFilterOnHide to Dropdown and MultiSelect
- onFocus and onBlur events for Chips
- Focus visuals for Listbox
- Improve Confirm Dialog event performance
- Added
output event to calendar component - Apply TreeNode styleClass on TreeTable row
- Export selected rows to CSV
- add onSourceSelect and onTargetSelect events to picklist component
- StartsWith filtering option for Listbox
- Documentation of using resetFilter() method from the dropdown component
- RouterLinkActive in tabMenu not applied to the li element
- p-rating component with custom icons
- Picklist/OrderList: expose index of element in ng-template
- Visible flag support for TabMenu
- onPush support for Listbox
- Add onPanelShow callback to MultiSelect
- DataTable: expanded row styling
- Add multiple property to PanelMenu
- ConfirmDialog still renders icon even if it is not defined
- Datatable – Editable – events incorrectly raised on keydown
- Visible flag support for MenuBar
- Slider fails with big values
- Filtering by default fails on DataTable
- Color picker pickHue resets saturation and brightness
- OrderList onReorder is not called on DragDrop
- MultiSelect as a table filter triggers sort
- Calendar parseDate function ignores “utc” parameter
- DataTable RowGroup and Expand bug
- Move events do not called on dragdrop for PickList
- confirm-dialog: Error when hitting Escape after dialog is closed
- Filtered listbox toggle all fails with new items
- Calendar range/multiple default values cause error
- Use ng-container for date template in Calendar
- TieredMenu with appendTo=body isn’t removed
- OrderList throws a “Cannot read property getBoundingClientRect of undefined”
- Column reordering does not work with Scrollable Table
- Dropdown filter has incorrect width under fluid mode
- Validation Clears When Pressing Enter Editable Datatable
- Bad color/hue selection with scrolled page
- Autocomplete with minLength fires completeMethod after onClear
- Dragging and Resizing Dialog highlights content behind and in it
- p-checkbox template/model driven behaviour disparity
- Empty footer in dialog that has a table with footer
- Readonly attribute of p-editor component does not reflect changes
- Tooltip remains visible after clicking the target
- Label problems in Dropdown component