PatrowlEngines: Open Source, Free and Scalable Security Operations Orchestration Platform


PatrOwl is a scalable, free and open-source solution for orchestrating Security Operations.

PatrowlEngines is the engine framework and the supported list of engines performing the operations (scans, searches, API calls, …) in due time. The engines are managed by one or several instances of PatrowlManager.

PatrOwl is an advanced platform for orchestrating Security Operations like Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessment, Code review, Compliance checks, Cyber-Threat Intelligence / Hunting and SOC & DFIR Operations.

Fully-Developed in Python (Django for the backend and Flask for the engines). It remains incredibly easy to customize all components. Asynchronous tasks and engine scalability are supported by RabbitMQ and Celery.





Add a new Asset

  1. Go to the creation form using the header menu bar or go directly to the URL /assets/add. Create new asset - Header menu
  2. The following form will be available: Create new asset - Form

Some tips:

Parameters Description Examples
Value Value of the asset
Name Quick title of the asset MyCORP DNS A, Corporate Website
Type Type of the asset. Available scan policies will be filtered on this value IPFQDNDOMAINURLKEYWORDPATH or PERSON
Description Free text area for describing the asset Corporate website based on Drupal 7.3 and exposed on Internet
Criticity Business criticity of the asset. Global risk scoring will depend on this value LowMedium or High
Categories List of tags to quickly describe the asset. Custom values could be added. WindowsDatabaseCorporate Website
  1. Click to the button “Create a new asset” to confirm the creation. You will be redirected to the assets list.


Add a new Engine

  1. Go to the creation form using the header menu bar or go directly to the URL /engines/add. Create new engine - Header menu
  2. The following form will be available: Create new engine - Form
Parameters Description Examples
Name Name of the engine nmap-001vt-001arachni-docker-001cortex-001oleaks-001
Api url URL address of the engine http://localhost:5001/engines/nmap/http://external-server:5012/engines/owl_leaks/
Enable Choose if you want to enable the engine once created n/a.
Authentication method Select the authentication method to access to the engine from the PatrowlManager host (Only ‘None’ is available for the moment) NoneHTTPBasicAPIKey
  1. Click to the button “Create a new engine” to confirm the creation. You will be redirected to the engines list.


Add a new Scan

  1. Go to the creation form using the header menu bar or go directly to the URL /scans/defs/addCreate new scan - Header menu
  2. The following form will be available: Create new scan - Form
Parameters Description Examples
Title Title of the scan “List open ports on Internet-faced assets”“Scan XSS on corporate website”“Search technical leaks on GitHub and Twitter”
Description Description of the scan “Here a long description of the scan purposes”
Scan type Scans could be started once or periodically “On-Demand” or Periodical
Start scan Select the moment to start the scan(s): Later (not now, just create the scan definition), Now or Scheduled at a precise datetime “Later”PeriodicalScheduled at
Search asset(s) Search and select asset(s) targeted by the scan. Search criteria are asset value, name, description and categories “8.8.8 +Enter “, DNS +Enter
Filter by Engine and Or, Filter by Category Search the scan policy using the Engine or the Category filter n/a
Select Policy Select the scan policy n/a
Select Engine Select the scan engine which will perform the scan each times. It could be Random and the first available engine will perform the scan n/a
  1. Click to the button “Create a new scan” to confirm the creation. You will be redirected to the scans list.


Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Nicolas MATTIOCCO (@MaKyOtOx –