Oracle joins hands with Cohere to strive for more development opportunities in the AI ​​​​application market

Reports suggest that Oracle plans to collaborate with Cohere, a Canadian artificial intelligence startup, drawing inspiration from the developmental blueprint set by Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI, with the aim of seizing additional market development opportunities.

According to an address delivered to Oracle’s staff by Steve Miranda, the Executive Vice President of Application Development, plans are in place to market access resources to the large-scale natural language model developed in collaboration with Cohere, intending to establish an array of cloud-native automated application services.

This business model parallels the partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI, wherein an assortment of large-scale natural language models provided by OpenAI is offered via Azure’s cloud services, thereby creating additional opportunities for the development of cloud platform service applications.

Currently, Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud have all enhanced their cloud services with numerous applications based on auto-generative artificial intelligence technology. Simultaneously, they have integrated a wealth of tool resources operating on large-scale natural language models, thus empowering developers to construct various automated services with increased application development capabilities.