OpenBAS: Open Breach and Attack Simulation Platform


OpenBAS is an open-source platform allowing organizations to plan, schedule, and conduct cyber adversary simulation campaigns and tests.

The goal is to create a powerful, reliable, and open-source tool to effectively plan and play all types of simulations, training, and exercises from the technical level to the strategic one. Also, the platform can give you a proper overview of any security gaps regarding actual threats with knowledge coming from the OpenCTI platform.

OpenBAS aims to respond to these issues, which not only concern state services but also many private organizations. With different modules (scenarios, teams, simulations, verification of means of communication, encryption, etc.), the platform offers advantages such as collaborative work, real-time monitoring, statistics or the management of feedback.

Finally, OpenBAS supports different types of inject, allowing the tool to be integrated with emails, SMS platforms, social medias, alarm systems, etc. All currently supported integration can be found in the OpenBAS ecosystem.

Editions of the platform

OpenBAS platform has 2 different editions: Community (CE) and Enterprise (EE). The purpose of the Enterprise Edition is to provide additional and powerful features which require specific investments in research and development. You can enable the Enterprise Edition directly in the settings of the platform.

To understand what OpenBAS Enterprise Edition brings in terms of features, just check the Enterprise Editions page on the Filigran website. You can also try this edition by enabling it in the settings of the platform.

Install & Use