Open Firmware Reverse Analysis Konsole: binary analysis and modification platform


OFRAK (Open Firmware Reverse Analysis Konsole) is a binary analysis and modification platform. OFRAK combines the ability to:

  • Identify and Unpack many binary formats
  • Analyze unpacked binaries with field-tested reverse engineering tools
  • Modify and Repack binaries with powerful patching strategies

OFRAK supports a range of embedded firmware file formats beyond userspace executables, including:

  • Compressed filesystems
  • Compressed & checksummed firmware
  • Bootloaders
  • RTOS/OS kernels

OFRAK equips users with:

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) for interactive exploration and visualization of binaries
  • Python API for readable and reproducible scripts that can be applied to entire classes of binaries, rather than just one specific binary
  • Recursive identification, unpacking, and repacking of many file formats, from ELF executables, to filesystem archives, to compressed and checksummed firmware formats
  • Built-in, extensible integration with powerful analysis backends (angr, Binary Ninja, Ghidra, IDA Pro)
  • Extensibility by design via a common interface to easily write additional OFRAK components and add support for a new file format or binary patching operation

GUI Frontend

The web-based GUI view provides a navigable resource tree. For the selected resource, it also provides metadata, hex or text navigation, and a mini-map sidebar for quickly navigating by entropy, byteclass, or magnitude. The GUI also allows for actions normally available through the Python API like commenting, unpacking, analyzing, modifying, and packing resources.


Install & Use