Nvidia will launch the R530 version driver later this month: Brings RTX VSR functionality
Recently, Google released the Chrome 110 browser. On this version of the Chrome browser, support for Nvidia’s RTX Video Super Resolution (VSR) technology has been added, but new graphics card drivers are still required to work properly.

Nvidia promises that it will launch the R530 version driver before the end of this month, starting from this version to support RTX Video Super Resolution technology. Since Chromium doesn’t provide a user-accessible toggle, users can only manually enable or disable the feature through the NVIDIA control panel. According to previous statements, GeForce RTX 30/40 series graphics cards are required to enjoy RTX Video Super Resolution technology, and then RTX 20 series graphics cards will also be supported, but I don’t know how long it will take.
NVIDIA RTX Video Super Resolution technology can upscale online 1080P video to 4K resolution through AI to achieve the effect of improving clarity. Nvidia’s upscaling technology will soon enter a new dimension where online video quality will be improved through the power of RTX GPUs. It is understood that in addition to the Chrome browser, the Microsoft Edge browser will also be able to enjoy this 4K AI technology in the future.