Nvidia will fix RTX 3080/3090 bug via the driver

Nvidia RTX3080/3090 has a crash problem. After analysis by some manufacturers, it is believed to be some capacitor problems used on the back of the graphics card.

These manufacturers have optimized the polymer capacitors and chip ceramic capacitors used in graphics cards. Some manufacturers have indicated that they have resolved the crash after the optimization of materials.

But is the graphics card rollover issue a capacitance issue or a power consumption setting issue? Recently, Nvidia officials finally responded that it was not related to capacitors.


Image: Nvidia

NVIDIA officially released the NVIDIA GeForce 456.55 version of the driver. The driver mainly optimizes some games but also optimizes the stability of the graphics card.

Although some certified manufacturers adjust the motherboard circuit and perform different combinations of capacitors, Nvidia stated that the number of capacitors is configured to serve the graphics card design rather than the quality.

After testing the new version of the graphics card driver, the media found that the crash problem has been significantly improved. It seems that Nvidia is adjusting the graphics power consumption design to solve the problem.

Via: Reddit