NVIDIA launches QODA, a unified programming platform that simplifies quantum and classical programming models

For the future development of quantum computing applications, NVIDIA announced the launch of QODA (Quantum Optimized Device Architecture), a unified programming platform that can create simplified quantum and classical programming models, making quantum computing easier to use.

Behind QODA is the NVIDIA DGX computing system, combined with the scientific supercomputing center, and a large number of NVIDIA GPU computing resources deployed in the public cloud. In this way, the execution mode of future quantum computing devices can be simulated, and then quantum computing can be easily applied to various application requirements.

At present, many quantum research organizations have used NVIDIA GPU and cuQuantum software to develop independent quantum circuits, and use QODA to perform analog operations. A full-scale sub-application can be easily created, thereby greatly advancing the development of quantum R&D in artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, health, finance, and other fields.

In addition to NVIDIA, public clouds including AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft have also begun to deploy quantum computing development. Among them, quantum computing models are also constructed through cloud computing, software simulation, etc., to promote the development of more technical fields that require quantum computing scale computing power.