noir: attack surface detector from source code


Noir is an attack surface detector from source code.

attack surface


Key Features

  • Automatically identify language and framework from source code.
  • Find API endpoints and web pages through code analysis.
  • Load results quickly through interactions with proxy tools such as ZAP, Burpsuite, Caido, and More Proxy tools.
  • That provides structured data such as JSON and HAR for identified Attack Surfaces to enable seamless interaction with other tools. Also provides command line samples to easily integrate and collaborate with other tools, such as curls or httpie.

Available Support Scope

Endpoint’s Entities

  • Path
  • Method
  • Param
  • Header
  • Protocol (e.g ws)

Languages and Frameworks

Language Framework URL Method Param Header WS
Go Echo X X X
Python Django X X X X
Python Flask X X X X
Ruby Rails X X
Ruby Sinatra X X
Php X X
Java Spring X X X
Java Jsp X X X X X
Crystal Kemal X
JS Express X X X
JS Next X X X X X


Specification Format URL Method Param Header WS
Swagger JSON X X
Swagger YAML X X

Install & Use

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