New Microsoft Store rules ban WebKit-based browsers
Earlier Microsoft Store rules prohibiting developers from submitting open source software caused controversy. After the open source community protested, Microsoft removed the relevant clause, but a new clause caused controversy again.

Needless to say about the Chromium kernel, most of the top browsers in the market are Chromium kernels, and Gecko, the Firefox kernel, is of course also supported. Microsoft also requires developers to ensure that versions are followed up in a timely manner when they are submitted for release, with a difference of no more than 2 versions. For example, after the release of Chromium 100, the newly submitted software should use at least Chromium 98.WebKit is currently mainly used by the Safari browsers of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. The default browsers of Amazon Kindle and Samsung Tizen systems also use WebKit.
In addition, Microsoft also stipulates that developers must fix vulnerabilities in a timely manner. If there are any known vulnerabilities, they must be fixed in time or they may be removed from the shelves.