Microsoft suspends Windows 365 free trial due to full servers

Yesterday, Microsoft officially opened its cloud computer Windows 365 subscription service. The users can run cloud Windows 10 or Windows 11 services directly in the browser as long as they subscribe. But it was also because it was too popular, which caused the trial version of the server to be used up, so Microsoft could only suspend the trial service of Windows 365.

Windows 11 cloud

If anyone does not know what Windows 365 is, it is a cloud computer subscription service launched by Microsoft for enterprises or commercial users. It is divided into three levels: basic, standard, and premium. The price of a subscription ranges from $31 to $66 per user, while cloud computers are configured with 2 to 4 vCPUs, 4 to 16GB of memory, and a maximum of 128GB of storage space. Of course, if users have other needs, they can also customize the configuration. The price in this area ranges from $20 to a maximum of $158.

In order to attract more potential users, Microsoft also launched a free trial of Windows 365, with configurations of 2 to 4 vCPUs, 4 to 16GB of memory, and 128GB of storage space. Interested users can try it for two months.

However, Microsoft obviously underestimated the demand for the free trial version, because the server for the free trial was quickly occupied. When a new user tried to apply for a free trial, they would only see an error page. Scott Manchester, the director of Microsoft’s Windows 365 project management, later confirmed on Twitter that Microsoft has temporarily suspended the trial service of Windows 365 and is also deploying more new servers.

If users want to try Windows 365 now, they can register on this page. Once the free trial resumes, Microsoft will notify you.