Microsoft responded that Windows 11 File Explorer ad banners are just a test

Recently, Microsoft added advertisements in Windows 11 Explorer, and the promotion of Microsoft Editor will pop up when users open documents. Microsoft Editor is an artificial intelligence tool launched by Microsoft to help users check spelling mistakes and optimize sentences.

It is not new for Microsoft to add advertisements to the system. Previously, the start menu, taskbar, mail application, etc. can see the promotion content including games. But it’s surprising to put ads in File Explorer, which is a productivity tool and the most frequently used software.

A few days ago, the Microsoft project manager issued a response saying that the banner that appeared in the Windows 11 File Explorer was only an internal test and was not intended to be released to the public.

This was an experimental banner that was not intended to be published externally and was turned off,” says Brandon LeBlanc, senior program manager for Windows, in a statement to The Verge.

It is worth noting that it seems that advertising in the operating system has become common, and Apple will promote Apple Music/iCloud+ subscription in iOS. Google will add pop-up ads to recommend YouTube Premium subscriptions in the Android system, and sometimes you can also see the promotion of other Google services. These are the operating systems with the highest market share at present, and they are more or less filled with advertisements. It is estimated that the number of advertisements will continue to increase in the future.