Microsoft provides a unified platform for new and existing Win32 and UWP apps

Speaking of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), everyone may know that the platform is relatively deserted. Although the platform has not completely died, it is actually a stalemate now.

Originally, Microsoft planned to develop a general platform to replace the traditional desktop platform, because the general platform is full platform support so that PC, Xbox, and WP can be installed. Therefore, the company provides many modern functions and advanced platforms to the common platform.

Microsoft is running a new project called Project Reunion. The so-called Project Reunion mainly refers to unifying the interface between the Win32 and UWP apps. That is to say, the subsequent traditional desktop software can also call the interface of UWP apps.

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More importantly, the subsequent UI interface may also be used. At that time, the traditional desktop software may still be based on the Win32 architecture but can achieve a modern interface.

Microsoft’s goal is to narrow the gap between the functional interfaces of traditional desktop software and the general platform, and ultimately make the relevant interfaces unify and direct use on different platforms.

Even Microsoft itself expressed the hope that the window model will be basically the same so that developers can use their familiar methods to develop when choosing different platform models.

We also want the windowing model to be fundamentally the same so that we create a familiar way of working for developers regardless if you chose UWP or Win32 as your application model,” Microsoft said.

Project Reunion will help you update and modernize your existing apps with the latest functionality, whether they’re C++, .NET (including WPF, Windows Forms, and UWP) or React Native. As we decouple existing APIs and add new APIs, we are also doing the work to polyfill, as needed, so the APIs work down-level across supported versions of Windows.

Via: windowslatest