Microsoft Linux conference WSLconf will be held from March 10 to 11, 2020 for the first time

Microsoft announced what Linux users are dreaming of. This is the first Microsoft Linux conference for WSL (Linux Windows Subsystem). WSL is designed by Microsoft compatibility layer that allows the user to install GNU/Linux distributions and Linux binaries run natively on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 operating system.


WSL 2 is the latest version of Windows Linux subsystem, announced by Microsoft earlier this summer, and it introduces some major new features, such as a new architecture that uses a truly built-in Linux kernel and a complete system. Microsoft said:

“This kernel has been specially tuned for WSL 2. It has been optimized for size and performance to give an amazing Linux experience on Windows. We will service this Linux kernel through Windows updates, which means you will get the latest security fixes and kernel improvements without needing to manage it yourself.”

This first Microsoft Linux conference for WSL, called WSLconf, will be held from March 10th to March 11th next year. According to Microsoft, the WSLconf event will be organized by the community, and registration fees will not be required for the event.