malwoverview: perform an initial and quick triage on a directory containing malware samples
This tool aims to :
- Determine similar executable malware samples (PE/PE+) according to the import table (imphash) and group them by different colors (pay attention to the second column from output). Thus, colors matter!
- Show hash information on Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, Malshare, Polyswarm, URLhaus, Alien Vault, Malpedia and ThreatCrowd engines.
- Determining whether the malware samples contain overlay and, if you want, extract it.
- Check suspect files on Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis and Polyswarm.
- Check URLs on Virus Total, Malshare, Polyswarm, URLhaus engines and Alien Vault.
- Download malware samples from Hybrid Analysis, Malshare, URLHaus, Polyswarm and Malpedia engines.
- Submit malware samples to VirusTotal, Hybrid Analysis and Polyswarm.
- List last suspected URLs from URLHaus.
- List last payloads from URLHaus.
- Search for specific payloads on the Malshare.
- Search for similar payloads (PE32/PE32+) on Polyswarm engine.
- Classify all files in a directory searching information on Virus Total and Hybrid Analysis.
- Make reports about a suspect domain using different engines such as VirusTotal, Malpedia and ThreatCrowd.
- Check APK packages directly from Android devices against Hybrid Analysis and Virus Total.
- Submit APK packages directly from Android devices to Hybrid Analysis and Virus Total.
- Show URLs related to an user provided tag from URLHaus.
- Show payloads related to a tag (signature) from URLHaus.
- Show information about an IP address from Virus Total, Alien Vault, Malpedia and ThreatCrowd.
- Show IP address, domain and URL information from Polyswarm.
- Perform meta-search on Polyswarm Network using several criteria: imphash, IPv4, domain, URL and malware family.
- Gather threat hunting information from AlienVault using different criteria.
- Gather threat hunting information from Malpedia using different criteria.
- Gather threat hunting information from Malware Bazaar using different criteria.
- Gather IOC information from ThreatFox using different criteria.
- Gather threat hunting information from Triage using different criteria.
- Get evaluation to hashes from a given file against Virus Total.
- Submit large files (>= 32 MB) to Virus Total.
- Malwoverview uses Virus Total API v.3, so there isn’t longer any option using v.2.
- Retrieve different information from InQuest Labs and download samples from there.
$ pip install python-magic
$ git clone
$ cd malwoverview
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python malwoverview -d <directory> -f <fullpath> -b <0|1> -v <0|1> -p <0|1> -s <0|1> -x <0|1>
<directory> -d is the folder containing malware samples.
<fullpath> -f specifies the full path to a file. Shows general information about the file (any filetype).
(optional) -b 1 forces light gray background (for black terminals). It does not work with -f option.
(optional) -x 1 extracts overlay (it is used with -f option).
(optional) -v 1 queries Virus Total database for positives and totals (any filetype).
(optional) -s 1 shows antivirus reports from the main players. This option is used with -f option (any filetype).
(optional) -p 1 use this option if you have a public Virus Total API. It forces a one minute wait every 4 malware
samples, but allows obtaining a complete evaluation of the malware repository..If you use Virus Total option, so it is necessary to edit the and insert your VT API.
Remember that public VT API only allows 4 searches per second (as shown at the image above). Therefore, if you
are willing to wait some minutes, so you can use the -p option, which forces a one minute wait every 4 malware
samples, but allows obtaining a complete evaluation of the repository.
Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Alexandre Borges <ab at blackstormsecurity dot com>