LinuxConsole 2019 releases, modern Linux distribution
LinuxConsole is a GNU/Linux operating system, users only need a minimum configuration can make it work. With its customized for children and teens, it supports many Linux versions of the game, “Beta”, preloaded with TORCS and Super TuxKart, an open-source racing game, and LibreOffice with pre-installed office software.
LinuxConsole 2019 released.
- Kernel 5.4.5 (64 or 32 bits)
- 865 libraries and programs are in the core module
- Build for “YourDistroFromScratch 2.7″, with docker
- Hybrid ISO
- Parental control tool, for controlling the access time of user accounts.
- Modular concept
- Mate desktop 1.22
- Chromium becomes the default Web browser
- Wine 4.0.3