kubesec: Security risk analysis for Kubernetes resources


Security risk analysis for Kubernetes resources



Kubesec is available as a:

Or install the latest commit from Github with go get -u github.com/controlplaneio/kubesec/cmd/kubesec

Command-line usage:

$ kubesec scan k8s-deployment.yaml

Usage example:

$ cat <<EOF > kubesec-test.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kubesec-demo
- name: kubesec-demo
image: gcr.io/google-samples/node-hello:1.0
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
$ kubesec scan kubesec-test.yaml

Docker usage:

Run the same command in Docker:

$ docker run -i kubesec/kubesec:512c5e0 scan /dev/stdin < kubesec-test.yaml

Kubesec HTTP Server

Kubesec includes a bundled HTTP server

CLI usage example:

Start the HTTP server in the background

$ kubesec http 8080 &
[1] 12345
{"severity":"info","timestamp":"2019-05-12T11:58:34.662+0100","caller":"server/server.go:69","message":"Starting HTTP server on port 8080"}

Use curl to POST a file to the server

Finally, stop the Kubesec server by killing the background process

$ kill %

Docker usage example:

Start the HTTP server using Docker

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 kubesec/kubesec:d432be9 http 8080

Use curl to POST a file to the server

$ curl -sSX POST –data-binary @test/asset/score-0-cap-sys-admin.yml http://localhost:8080/scan …

Don’t forget to stop the server.


Kubesec is also available via HTTPS at v2.kubesec.io/scan

Command-line usage:

$ curl -sSX POST –data-binary @k8s-deployment.yaml https://v2.kubesec.io/scan

Usage example:

Define a BASH function

POST a Kubernetes resource to v2.kubesec.io/scan

$ kubesec ./deployment.yml

Return non-zero status code is the score is not greater than 10

$ kubesec ./score-9-deployment.yml | jq –exit-status .score > 10 >/dev/null # status code 1

Example output

Kubesec returns a JSON array and can scan multiple YAML documents in a single input file.

"object": "Pod/security-context-demo.default",
"valid": true,
"message": "Failed with a score of -30 points",
"score": -30,
"scoring": {
"critical": [
"selector": "containers[] .securityContext .capabilities .add == SYS_ADMIN",
"reason": "CAP_SYS_ADMIN is the most privileged capability and should always be avoided"
"advise": [
"selector": "containers[] .securityContext .runAsNonRoot == true",
"reason": "Force the running image to run as a non-root user to ensure least privilege"
// ...


Copyright 2017 control-plane.io

Source: https://github.com/controlplaneio/