i2pd: End-to-End encrypted and anonymous Internet


i2pd (I2P Daemon) is a full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client.

I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) is a universal anonymous network layer. All communications over I2P are anonymous and end-to-end encrypted, participants don’t reveal their real IP addresses.

I2P client is software used for building and using anonymous I2P networks. Such networks are commonly used for anonymous peer-to-peer applications (file sharing, cryptocurrencies) and anonymous client-server applications (websites, instant messengers, chat servers).

I2P allows people from all around the world to communicate and share information without restrictions.


  • Distributed anonymous networking framework
  • End-to-end encrypted communications
  • Small footprint, simple dependencies, fast performance
  • Rich set of APIs for developers of secure applications

How can I better integrate my router into the network?


Edit your settings: set correct bandwidth and share rate.

Run i2pd for a long time, download, and seed some popular torrents.

What browser should I use to browse I2P websites?


Use any open-source browser – for example, Firefox or Chromium-based. Create separate profile for I2P (firefox instructions), try not to mix clearnet browsing with I2P. Learn how to configure your browser for better privacy and security.

A good idea is to configure privoxy for I2P/onion/clearnet browsing at the same time.

i2pd socks proxy has the option to pass all non-i2p traffic to the Tor socks proxy. Make sure you know what are you doing!

What is floodfill mode?


Floodfills are a special kind of routers that store leasesets of various destinations. In simpler terms, they store reachability information (gateways of inbound tunnels) for i2p sites and other services (including all peers in peer-to-peer services). They play an important role in the network.

In order to become floodfill, you need to enable the mode. The consequence is that i2pd will use more network and cpu time.

It is not recommended to turn on floodfill if your router is not directly reachable (aka external IP address). Also, floodfill routers should have a good uptime. So, it is better to enable it on servers.

Install & Use