How To Make Sure Your Website is Found on Google; Google ranking cheat sheet


As a website owner, you must know how to make sure your website is found on Google. After all, isn’t that where most people go to find information about products and services?

But how do you ensure your site ranks high in the search engine results? In this blog post, we’ll share tips on ensuring your website is found on google.

Google Isn’t Going to Find Your Website for You: 6 Tips for SEO Success.

Google is the most popular search engine on the internet, handling over three billion daily searches.

That’s a lot of traffic, and you must ensure that you make your website findable on Google. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most effective marketing strategies to make your website rank high on Google.

1. Do thorough keyword research on Google

Most people don’t realize how important keyword research is in any digital marketing strategy. Keywords are phrases people type on Google to look up information. Use relevant keywords to make your website visible to internet users.

By doing keyword research, you can find the terms people are searching for concerning your business or product.

You can then incorporate those keywords on your website to help improve your ranking in search results.

2. Optimize your title tags.

Title tags are a vital on-page SEO element. They are the bits of text that appear in the search results when someone Googles something. They’re also what appears at the top of your browser when you’re on a website.

Your title tags tell search engines what your web page is about. They also help people understand what your website is about.

If your title tags are well-written, people will be more likely to click on your website, and if they’re well-optimized, your website will rank higher.

There are a few considerations for optimizing your title tags for Google. First, your title should accurately describe the page’s content.

Second, your title should be unique, so don’t use the same title for every page on your website. Finally, your title should be relevant to the keywords you’re trying to rank for.

3. Optimize your meta descriptions.

Meta descriptions are the brief snippets of text that appear under your website’s title in the search results.

They give searchers an overview of your page and can help persuade them to click through to your site.

Optimizing your meta descriptions is relatively easy and can significantly impact your search rankings.

A good meta description can help improve your click-through rate (CTR) and, as a result, your organic rankings.

These tips can help you optimize your meta description for Google ranking:

  • Keep it under 155 characters.

Google displays the first 155 characters of a meta description in search results.

  • Make it relevant and keyword


Ensure your meta description is relevant to the page’s content and includes the target keyword or phrase.

  • Use actionable language

Use language that encourages users to click on your result, such as “Learn more,” “Find out more,” or “Discover our latest products.”

4. Use header tags.

Proper header tags can significantly impact your website’s ranking on search engines like Google.

Header tags define the structure of content on your website, and search engines also use them to help determine the hierarchy of your website’s content.

Each of the six header tags impacts your website’s ranking differently. H1 tags are typically used for titles or headings, while subheadings utilize H2 tags.

H3, H4, H5, and H6 tags are typically used for less important headings or for headings that are subordinate to other headings.

5. Register Your Website to Relevant Online Directories.

Another great marketing strategy to make your website visible is submitting it to relevant directories and Google My Business. This ensures your website comes up in search results when people are looking for businesses like yours.

Submitting your website to directories is relatively easy and only takes a few minutes. You can find a list of relevant directories by doing a quick search online.

Once you’ve found a few, create a profile for your business and include your website address. Google My Business is a bit more involved but relatively easy to do.

You’ll need to create a profile for your business and then verify your business through Google. After that, your business will appear in Google Maps and Google Search results.

6. Optimize your images.

Optimizing your images for SEO ranking ensures that your website ranks high on Google. When optimizing images for SEO, many factors include file size, file name, Image Alt text, and title.

So how can you optimize your images for SEO? Here are a few tips:

  • Optimize your image file sizes.

To optimize images for SEO, start by reducing the file size of your images. Large image files can slow down your website, negatively impacting your SEO ranking.

  • Use descriptive file names.

Google and other search engines place a high value on descriptive file names. This is because file names are one of the factors that contribute to a website’s search engine optimization (SEO).

Give your images descriptive file names that include keywords relevant to your website. For instance, if you have an image of a cat on your website about pets, your file name could be “cat-picture.jpg.”

Remember, every file on your website is an opportunity to boost your SEO and make your website easy to find on Google. So, please make the most of it by choosing descriptive file names for all your website’s files.

  • Use responsive images.

One of the best ways to optimize your page speed is by using responsive images. Responsive images are sized appropriately according to the device in use.

This means that a large image won’t be loaded on a mobile device, which can help to improve page speed.

  • Include keywords in your image alt text.

Google uses the alt text to determine what an image is about, so including keywords in your alt text can help Google understand your website better and improve your ranking.


In conclusion, there are a few tricks on how to make sure your website is found on Google. First, design your website to be SEO friendly. Second, create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience.

Third, promote your website through social media and other channels. By following these tips, you can ensure that potential customers will find your website.