Hannibal: x64 Windows Agent written in fully position independent C
Hannibal is a x64 Windows Agent written in fully position independent C (plus a tiny bit of C++). It is based off the Stardust template created by @C5pider.
Use case
Hannibal is intended to be used as a Stage 1 agent. It follows these design principles:
- Small — A full sized .bin of Hannibal is ~45KB.
- Modular — Can select/remove which commands to compile into agent. Can reduce size to ~25KB.
- Simple — Focus is on initial foothold abilities vs providing an entire armada of functionality.
Additionally, this project aims to provide education regarding position independent coding, agent design, Mythic agent dev, and C programming for both offensive and defensive resources.
Included is functionality to build a debug version which is useable in a GUI IDE Debugger such as VSCode for increased accessibility. Hannibal can be compiled on Linux, or Windows. See the companion article for further information on how to set up an environment for Hannibal development.
Notable Features
- Small size
- Modular Compilation
- Post-Ex Capability with HBINs
- Ekko Sleep
- Replaceable Profile
Commands Manual Quick Reference
Command | Syntax | Description |
agentinfo | agentinfo |
Returns internal information about the agent such as memory location, download/upload status etc. |
cd | cd [path] |
Changes current working directory for host process. |
cp | cp [src_path] [dst_path] |
Copy a file or folder to a dst. Copies folders recursively. |
execute | execute [path + args] |
Executes CreateProcess for the given process string. |
execute_hbin | execute_hbin <modal_popup> |
Opens a modal so you can upload and execute an hbin. Note args are position and type sensitive. |
exit | exit or exit thread |
Exits the agent either killing the process or just the current thread. |
hostname | hostname |
Return hostname of the machine. |
ipinfo | ipinfo |
Return information about the active network devices on the machine. |
listdrives | listdrives |
Return information about the mounted drives and disk space. |
ls | ls [path] |
Returns a directory listing of the path. |
mkdir | mkdir [path] |
Creates a new directory. |
mv | mv [src_path] [dst_path] |
Move a file or folder to a dst. Moves folders recursively. |
ps | ps |
Return list of running processes on machine. |
pwd | pwd |
Return current working directory of host process. |
rm | rm [path] |
Deletes a file or folder. Folders are deleted recursively. (Be careful!) |
sleep | sleep [interval] [jitter] |
Sets the sleep/jitter for the agent. |
whoami | whoami |
Return current user and domain. |
upload | upload <modal> |
Provides a modal to upload a file the agent. Needs full path plus filename. Uploads in chunks. |
download | download [path] |
Downloads a file from agent. Downloads in chunks. |
Supported C2 Profiles
HTTP Profile
The HTTP profile calls back to the Mythic server over the basic, non-dynamic profile. Currently Hannibal only supports POST requests, User Agent, POST URI, sleep, jitter modifications, and custom HTTP headers. Toggle key-exchange off as that is not supported.
- This is an initial release agent written in PIC C with zero exception handling. There is a high likelihood there are bugs. Test extensively before using in live Ops.
- Hannibal needs much more field testing before it is fully Op ready. Have backup channels.
- Hannibal makes no promises regarding evasion.
- Hannibal has only been tested with Mythic v3.3.1-rc25.
- Hannibal has only been tested on Windows 11 23H2.
- Hannibal has only been executed via the included loader and as a debug exe. Your invocation method will need testing.
- The Mythic builds only give back shellcode. If you want an exe build with debug_makefile.
- Hannibal has not been tested in a CFG process, so unknown how Ekko behaves.