Hackers stole unreleased music and tried to blame others

Recently, U.S. authorities have accused a Texas man of allegedly hacking the cloud accounts of two music companies and the social media account of a well-known music producer, stealing unreleased songs, and subsequently distributing the songs for free on public Internet forums. When the man realized that he might be arrested, he actively contacted one of the companies and tried to blame other employees of the company.

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It is understood that the man also has three accomplices, and their targets are mainly two music management companies, one in New York and one in Los Angeles. The group of four hackers obtained and used employee credentials to access the company’s cloud storage account, and downloaded more than 100 unreleased songs from there, about 50 GB. Most of this data comes from music labels in New York. According to the survey, the team visited the company’s cloud storage account more than 2,300 times in a few months.

Authorities asked the company to investigate what they reported. The team also reminded music labels to take legal action against the person and suggested that the company improve the security of their cloud storage accounts. However, after investigation, the team’s plan to blame failed. The lead man was charged with three counts in a New York court.

Via: ZDNet