GraphQLer: The Smart, Schema-Aware GraphQL API Security Tester


GraphQLer is a cutting-edge tool designed to dynamically test GraphQL APIs with a focus on awareness. It offers a range of sophisticated features that streamline the testing process and ensure robust analysis of GraphQL APIs such as being able to automatically read a schema and run tests against an API using the schema. Furthermore, GraphQLer is aware of dependencies between objects queries and mutations which is then used to perform security tests against APIs.

Key features

  • Dependency awareness: Run queries and mutations based on their dependencies!
  • Dynamic testing: Keep track of resources created during testing
  • Error correction: Try and fix requests so that the GraphQL API accepts them
  • Statistics collection: Shows your results in a nice file
  • Ease of use: All you need is the endpoint and the authentication token if needed

Advanced features

There are also varaibles that can be modified with the --config flag as a TOML file (see /examples/config.toml for an example). These correspond to specific features implemented in GraphQLer, and can be tuned to your liking.

Variable Name Variable Description Variable Type Default
MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_THRESHOLD The levenshtein distance between objects and object IDs Integer 20
MAX_OBJECT_CYCLES Max number of times the same object should be materialized in the same query/mutation Integer 3
MAX_OUTUPT_SELECTOR_DEPTH Max depth the query/mutation’s output should be expanded (such as the case of infinitely recursive selectors) Integer 3
USE_OBJECTS_BUCKET Whether or not to store object IDs for future use Boolean True
USE_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH Whether or not to use the dependency-aware feature Boolean True
ALLOW_DELETION_OF_OBJECTS Whether or not to allow deletions from the objects bucket Boolean False
MAX_FUZZING_ITERATIONS Maximum number of fuzzing payloads to run on a node Integer 5
MAX_TIME The maximum time to run in seconds Integer 3600
TIME_BETWEEN_REQUESTS Max time to wait between requests in seconds Integer 0.001
DEBUG Debug mode Boolean False
Custom Headers Custom headers to be sent along with each request Object Accept = "application/json"

Install & Use

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