Google Translate website is undergoing Material Design transformation

The Google Translate website is undergoing a Material Design transformation, which is another materialised Google service following Gmail, Google News, Google support pages and personal account pages, Android Messages, Hangouts Chat and the Chrome online store. This is a server-side update and is currently not visible for site changes, but maybe officially launched in the next few weeks.

The new design appears in Chrome and Firefox, with all the logos of Material Design that you’ve seen so often: more white and less grey, new blue shades, rounded corners, and Product Sans fonts. There are also two significant changes, one is the top two boxes, letting the user choose whether to translate the text/link or upload the document, and switch from the translate button to a finer arrow.

Also, the desktop now looks more like a mobile web interface, with three circular icons on the left menu and History, Saved, and Community at the bottom. Also, the translation box occupies the entire screen width.

Via: androidpolice