Google reminds companies not to shut down websites directly during the coronavirus epidemic

Affected by the coronavirus epidemic, many websites are unable to release updates, especially e-commerce shopping websites can’t ship in time, so they choose to directly close the entire website.

In view of a large number of administrators or businesses that shut down their websites during the coronavirus outbreak, Google Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console have issued the latest management announcements.

Google stated in the announcement that even during the epidemic, all websites should not be closed directly, because once they choose to close, they may be downgraded by Google and lose their ranking.

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Google said the company was aware that during the epidemic many websites could not be updated or operated in a timely manner for various reasons, but even so, Google search algorithms will not change.

Under normal circumstances, the Google search algorithm will continuously crawl the entire network of resources and index them by rating, and the higher-ranked websites will be ranked at the top of the search results.

The epidemic does not affect Google ’s search algorithm. Instead, Google is constantly updating its algorithm to optimize specific search results, and closing websites is a negative effect of ratings.

Therefore, Google reminds websites to choose a better approach even if they cannot update and operate the website for various reasons, rather than shutting down the website completely.