Google proposed a large-scale natural language model known as AudioPaLM

Google’s research team has recently proposed a large-scale natural language model known as AudioPaLM, which demonstrates proficiency in comprehending spoken content and autonomously generating spoken language.

Underpinning AudioPaLM is a combination of two models, PaLM 2 and AudioLM, associated with a multimodal operation framework. This amalgamation allows for listening and understanding of linguistic content, followed by the generation of spoken language through automated artificial intelligence.

Google Bard update

In addition to recognizing vocal content and facilitating natural interaction, AudioPaLM is equipped to handle various language translation functions. This innovation is anticipated to revolutionize cross-lingual communication by listening to specific spoken content and instantaneously converting it into another language.

However, this technological marvel is currently in the research stage, and Google has not disclosed whether it intends to integrate this technology into existing services like Google Translate, or utilize it in other products or service applications.