Google Chrome will prohibit any third-party browsers from logging in to Google accounts to synchronize data

Google Chrome provides account and data synchronization functions, which can help us synchronize form data passwords, history, bookmarks, extension installations, and other information.

Through the data synchronization function, we can perform cross-platform synchronization between different devices and different platforms. The browser synchronization function is essential for users.

However, some browsers have not established their own account and data synchronization system, but directly call Google’s private Chrome API to help users directly synchronize data.

The third-party browsers that can call these private interfaces are mainly based on the Chromium project. Google has not previously restricted the use of these interfaces.

Microsoft said a few days ago that some third-party browsers can directly log in to a Google account, and after logging in to the account, you can download the saved data to local storage.

These browsers can also access saved account and password data after logging in, so this may cause potential security risks for users.

After all, ordinary users can’t tell whether the browser is safe or not, so they may be induced to log in to their accounts, and browser developers can steal user information.

Microsoft believes that Google does not restrict interface calls and direct calls to third-party browsers are security threats, but Microsoft did not specify which third-party browsers.

Google subsequently issued a response to Microsoft’s statement. Google stated that it will restrict Google’s private interface calls from March, that is, unauthorized calls are prohibited.

After the call is prohibited, third-party browsers will not be able to use these interfaces to log in to Google accounts. These browsers must build their own account system to help users synchronize data.

If users want to continue to use the Google account system to synchronize data, they can only use Google Chrome or Chromium browser.

When writing a response article, Google Chrome’s engineering director did not mention which third-party browsers call Google’s private interfaces.

After all, browsers based on the chromium project such as Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave all have their own account systems without Google.