Google Chrome will continue to enhance privacy protection in Chrome v82

Based on privacy and competitiveness considerations, Google is currently working to improve the privacy and security of Google Chrome. Google has previously announced that it will block some third-party cookies to prevent users from being tracked by the ad network. However, this blocking scheme is not thorough, Google has made it clear that it will not have a hierarchical blocking solution like Firefox.

Therefore, from the perspective of privacy protection, Chrome cannot be compared with other mainstream browsers, but Google is also working to improve privacy and security as much as possible without affecting advertising revenue.

Incognito mode is a container-like browsing mode provided by Google Chrome. After a user opens a webpage in incognito mode and closes the webpage, all information such as cache, cookies, history, etc. will be cleared. So in normal circumstances, this helps users avoid tracking from the ad network.

Google is now preparing to enhance the privacy protection of incognito mode and implements a one-size-fits-all approach to third-party cookies, that is, any web page in privacy mode can only load the original website cookies, and cookies generated by statistics tracking code, ad network code, etc. will be blocked.

This may help to prevent users from being tracked by third parties in the incognito mode, such as mouse movement records, but strictly speaking, it seems that the protection provided by this force is not very strong, after all, cookies will be cleared after closing the window.

This feature is currently available on the Google Chrome Canary for Android. For Android users, go to chrome:// flags and search for “enable improved cookie controls UI in incognito mode”.

Via: techdows