Google Chrome releases a new extension policy that requires extensions to minimize data collection
The Google Chrome development team has now developed a new extension policy that requires extension developers to reduce user data collection as much as possible. There are currently more than 180,000 extensions available in stores, and some of these extensions naturally collect user information without the user’s permission. To prevent this from happening or continuing, Google’s new policy for extensions requires all developers to comply and expect to implement this fall.
Google Chrome extensions can get very a lot of permissions, whether it’s taking over the password manager or modifying the home page or search engine. However, it is naturally not possible for different types of extensions to require all permissions, so permission developers that are not related to the main functionality of the extension must not continue to obtain them. At the same time, if you really need to apply for multiple different permissions to implement the extension function, you should reduce user data collection with less and less attitude. Previously, Google encouraged developers to minimize data collection but not mandatory requirements. All new policy data changes to mandatory requirements must be implemented.
In the past, the extension program collected data can be explained through the privacy policy, but there are also many extension programs that ignore this step and do not explain to the user. The new policy also requires that if the data collected by the extension involves user-provided content, the extension must write and publish a privacy policy. In the privacy policy, it is necessary to clearly explain how to transparently process user data, collect and use disclosure data, and whether it will be shared with third-party companies.
The new extension policy will be implemented this fall. The above policies are not only for new extension submissions, but even extensions that are currently on the shelf and not updated must be updated in a timely manner. Otherwise, if you violate the developer policy, your extension will still be removed.