-h --help Print help information -D --dc <IP|FQDN> of the Domain Controller to query. -u --username Username to authenticate with. -p --password Password to authenticate with. -d --domain Domain of the user authenticating. -f --filter Substring of the computer name (samAccountName) to search for. -o --out File name of the csv file to write the results.
Set LAPS password
./golaps set -h usage: golaps set [-h|--help] [-D|--dc "<value>"] [-u|--username "<value>"] [-p|--password "<value>"] [-d|--domain "<value>"] [-t|--target "<value>"] [-P|--lapspass "<value>"] Arguments:
-h --help Print help information -D --dc <IP|FQDN> of the Domain Controller to target. -u --username Username to authenticate with. -p --password Password to authenticate with. -d --domain Domain of the user authenticating. -t --target FQDN of the computer to set the LAPS password. -P --lapspass Password to set.