Flickr limit storage to 1,000 photos and videos, starting delete old photos from tomorrow

In the early days of fierce competition in photo hosting services, service providers liked to attract users with “unlimited capacity” policies. But a healthy, sustainable business model will sooner or later introduce the option of free plan and paid expansion. As a photo hosting site popular with netizens, Flickr has also experienced steady development for many years. However, as of January 8, 2019, free users with more than 1000 photos and videos will no longer be able to upload photos to Flickr.

Brands of the World [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

In addition, starting February 5, 2019, Flickr will begin deleting expired photos and videos (sorted by time). For people accustomed to free meals, this is obviously a piece of sad news. But on the other hand, if the payment can bring a better experience, it is worth paying for it.

If you are a free user with more than 1000 image limits, take immediate action to avoid losing valuable archives. Previously, free plan users had access to 1TB of online storage, enough to hold more than 500,000 “average size” photos. SmugMug says the previous owner’s (Yahoo) decision to offer that much storage was a mistake that undervalued the worth of paid storage and attracted people interested in the free storage, not necessarily those who love photography.

Via: TechSpot