evtx: A Fast parser for the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format
A cross-platform parser for the Windows XML EventLog format
Implemented using 100% safe rust – and works on all platforms supported by rust (that have stdlib).
Supports XML and JSON outputs, both being directly constructed from the token tree and independent of each other (no xml2json conversion is performed!)
Supports some basic recovery of missing records/chunks!
Python bindings are available as well at https://github.com/omerbenamram/pyevtx-rs (and at PyPi https://pypi.org/project/evtx/)
evtx_dump (Binary utility):
The main binary utility provided with this crate is evtx_dump, and it provides a quick way to convert .evtx files to different output formats.
Some examples
- evtx_dump <evtx_file> will dump the contents of evtx records as xml.
- evtx_dump -o json <evtx_file> will dump contents of evtx records as JSON.
- evtx_dump -f <output_file> -o json <input_file> will dump contents of evtx records as JSON to a given file.
evtx_dump can be combined with fd for convenient batch processing of files:
- fd -e evtx -x evtx_dump -o jsonl will scan a folder and dump all evtx files to a single jsonlines file.
- fd -e evtx -x evtx_dump -f “{.}.xml will create an xml file next to each evtx file, for all files in a folder recursively!
- If the source of the file needs to be added to json, xargs (or gxargs on mac) and jq can be used: fd -a -e evtx | xargs -I input sh -c “evtx_dump -o jsonl input | jq –arg path “input” ‘. + {path: \$path}'”
Note: by default, evtx_dump will try to utilize multithreading, this means that the records may be returned out of order.
To force single-threaded usage (which will also ensure order), -t 1 can be passed.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Omer Ben-Amram