ESP32 Marauder: suite of WiFi/Bluetooth offensive and defensive tools for the ESP32

ESP32 Marauder

The ESP32 Marauder is a suite of WiFi/Bluetooth offensive and defensive tools created for the ESP32 and was originally inspired by Spacehuhn’s esp8266_deauther project. The tool itself serves as a portable device used to test and analyze WiFi and Bluetooth devices. Use this tool and its firmware with caution as the use of some of its capabilities without explicit consent from the target owner is unlawful in most countries.


Wifi offensive tool

Frequently Asked Questions

I bought a Marauder and the screen is just black when I turn it on

There have been some rare cases where the Marauder firmware was wiped from flash during transit through USPS. I am not sure what is causing this but the solution is to compile the firmware from the source and upload using the Arduino IDE. Follow the instructions under Installing Firmware.

class TFT_eSPI has no member named setTouch or getTouch

If you are building the project from the source, ensure you are following the steps properly under Installing Firmware. If you are receiving this error, it is because you have not configured your User_Setup.h. Make sure you copy my User_Setup.h file into your TFT_eSPI library folder in your Arduino libraries.

How do I attach the screen to the ESP32?

Refer to the wiring documentation shown in IC Connections

How do I attach the SD card reader to the ESP32

Refer to the wiring documentation shown in IC Connections

Does the Marauder firmware work on other ESP32 devices

It is possible to get the Marauder firmware to work on many other ESP32 development boards with some type of display. If you want to know if your display will work, check the original TFT_eSPI library. I will not be making changes to the Marauder source to make it function for any other specific displays. If you would like to create your own functionality, you may create a pull request.

I updated the Marauder and now the touch screen does not work

If the screen does not work after updating the firmware, it is possible you used the incorrect firmware update file. If your marauder looks like this, then you must use the old_hardware update file. If your marauder looks like this, then you must use the new_hardware update file. You can still update your marauder like normal, but the touch coordinates of your marauder are inverted. Imagine the marauder screen being upside down while your try to navigate it. Once you update with the proper firmware, it will return to normal. Following the instructions for Update Firmware

My SD card is not detected by the Marauder

Ensure the size of the SD card you are using is less than or equal to 32GB. If this is the case, try using an SD card by Sandisk. Some other brands of SD cards such as Samsung cause the Marauder not to boot properly or not initialize the SD card.


The ESP32 Marauder has many applications separated into subcategories.

See Update Firmware for update instructions

Install & Use

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