Debian GNU/Hurd 2019 released
Debian GNU/Hurd is a flavor of the Debianoperating system based on the Hurdmicrokernel, instead of more common Debian kernels such as Linux or FreeBSD.
Debian GNU/Hurd has been in development since 1998, and made a formal release in May 2013, with 78% of the software packaged for Debian GNU/Linux ported to the GNU Hurd.The Debian GNU/Hurd developers were hoping to be able to release it with Debian”Wheezy” in 2013. However, Hurd is not yet an official Debian release, and is maintained and developed as an unofficial port.
According to the GNU/Hurd compatibility guide, the current version is compatible with laptops but there is no PCMCIA support yet.
Debian GNU/Hurd is distributed as an installer CD (running the official Debian installer) or ready-to-run virtual disk image (Live CD, Live USB). The CD uses the IA-32 architecture, making it compatible with IA-32 and x86-64 PCs.
Akfoss [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Debian GNU/Hurd 2019 released.
* An ACPI translator is available, it is currently only used to shut down the system.
* The LwIP TCP/IP stack is now available as an option.
* A PCI arbiter has been introduced and will be useful to properly manage PCI access, as well as provide fine-grain hardware access.
* Support for LLVM was introduced.
* The LwIP TCP/IP stack is now available as an option.
* New optimizations include protected payloads, better paging management, and message dispatch, and gsync synchronization.