Court decides Apple and Broadcom to infringe on Wi-Fi patent held by California Institute of Technology

California Institute of Technology sued Apple and Broadcom as early as 2016. California Institute of Technology believes that Apple Broadcom also infringed on its WiFi patents.

A jury from a federal court in the United States recently ruled that the court found the facts of the infringement and asked Apple and Broadcom to pay a total compensation of up to $1.1 billion.

The specific compensation is calculated based on equipment shipments and pricing. For example, Apple needs to compensate $837 million in the incident at $1.4 per device.

apple bug bounty

“SF Apple Store”by signal11 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Broadcom needs to pay a total of 270 million US dollars based on 26 cents per device. Broadcom has provided wireless network chips for Apple’s devices for a long time.

In response to this incident, Apple believes that it does not use its own technology. Apple buys chips and uses them from Broadcom, so even if there is infringement, it should be a problem for Broadcom. So Apple is also preparing to appeal to the court to reopen the trial.

It is worth noting that Broadcom’s wireless chips cover a large number of devices, and it is unclear whether the California Institute of Technology will sue other manufacturers according to this judgment.

Via: The Verge