coraza: OWASP Coraza Web Application Firewall
OWASP Coraza Web Application Firewall
Welcome to OWASP Coraza WAF, Coraza is a golang enterprise-grade Web Application Firewall framework that supports Modsecurity’s seclang language and is 100% compatible with OWASP Core Ruleset.
Coraza v2 differences with v1
- Full internal API refactor, public API has not changed
- Full audit engine refactor with plugins support
- New enhanced plugins interface for transformations, actions, body processors, and operators
- We are fully compliant with Seclang from modsecurity v2
- Many features were removed and transformed into plugins: XML (Mostly), GeoIP, and PCRE regex
- Better debug logging
- New error logging (like modsecurity)
Why Coraza WAF?
- Simplicity: Anyone should be able to understand and modify Coraza WAF’s source code
- Extensibility: It should be easy to extend Coraza WAF with new functionalities
- Innovation: Coraza WAF isn’t just a ModSecurity port. It must include awesome new functions (in the meantime, it’s just a port 😅)
- Community: Coraza WAF is a community project, and all ideas will be considered
Install & Use
Copyright 2021 Juan Pablo Tosso