Convert Excel to PDF Quick and Easy With PDFBear Converter

PDFBear online platform is available to manage your PDF formatted files. With PDFBear, you can convert, merge, split, compress, lock, unlock, etc., your PDF files. This online platform makes your documents organized and accessible to everyone, making them one of the best service providers for your PDF files.

PDFBear is available on any type of devices such as your smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. They also support all major Operating Systems such as Windows, iOS, macOS, and Linux. You can access them in any type of browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and so on. In this article, we will show you how to convert Excel format into a PDF file.

Converting Excel to PDF

In making your Excel files understandable and comprehensible, you may convert it into a PDF document. When your Excel files are converted into PDF, everyone can have access and better understand reading the documents. You may also avoid errors due to viruses since Excel formats have programs called macros prone to them.

To convert your Excel to PDF, you only have to select the file or drag and drop them to the conversion box. PDFBear will then scan your file and will start the conversion. When the conversion process is done, you can download the PDF file, save it through the cloud, or send it directly through email.

Converting Word to PDF

You can as well convert your Word documents to PDF. When Word files are converted into PDF, your documents, CVs, business proposals, legal documents, etc., will be more formal and professional, making it viewable by many all the time. You can also avoid getting your documents being edited or manipulated, or copied by other people when doing so.

When you convert your DOC or DOCX file into a PDF document, you only have to select the file or drag and drop them into the conversion box. PDFBear will then scan your document and start the conversion. Once the conversion is done, you can download the PDF file or save them in the cloud or send it directly through email.

Converting Powerpoint to PDF

Powerpoint documents are used in business, school, work, etc. To make your PowerPoint presentations more straightforward, you can convert them into PDF documents. When Powerpoint documents are converted, presenting will be bright, formal, and professional. Also, everyone can view the document when you share them.

To convert your Powerpoint documents into a PDF file, you only have to select the slides or drag and drop them into the conversion box. PDFBear will then scan the slides and start the conversion process. Once your slides are converted, you can download the PDF file or save it through the cloud or send them directly through email.

Converting JPG to PDF

Sometimes, when there are just too many images on your device, it can make clutter and will take up so much storage space on your discs. You can avoid this by converting them into a PDF document. When your images are converted into a single PDF file, your device will have an organized look. Also, attaching and sending them through email will be much easier and faster.

To convert your JPGs into PDF documents, you only have to select the images or drag and drop them into the conversion box. PDFBear will then scan the images and start the conversion process. When the conversion process is done, and your images are combined into a single PDF file, you can download the document or save it on the cloud or send it through email.

Converting HTML to PDF

HTML is composed of codes from your web pages. This can be accessed when sharing or sending them with other people, making them vulnerable from being manipulated or copied. When your HTML is converted into a PDF file, you can avoid these sorts of conflicts since PDF documents are more secure.

To convert your HTML into a PDF document, you only have to copy and paste the link from your web-page into the conversion box. PDFBear will scan the link and start the conversion process. When the conversion is finished, you can download the PDF file or save it on the cloud or send it through email.


These are the types of formats you can convert into a PDF document. PDFBEar also offers other tools for you to utilize when you need them. You can also subscribe to their PRO membership for unlimited conversions.