Concealment Layer: Reverse Proxy for Concealing and Deceiving Website Information

Concealment Layer – Reverse Proxy for Concealing and Deceiving Website Information

CLay offers a unique and powerful feature that goes beyond traditional security measures. CLay takes deception to a new level by mimicking the appearance of a website with information from a different framework. The primary objective is to mislead and deceive potential attackers, leading them to gather false information about the web application.



  • Request filtering by User Agent
  • HTML Comment Filtering
  • Informative Response Header Filtering
  • Adding Dummy HTML Comments
  • Adding Decoy Informative Response Headers
  • Adding Decoy Cookies
  • Error Template Changing

Supported Decoy Frameworks

  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Microsoft ASP.NET
  • Flask
  • Django

Supported Decoy Webservers

  • Nginx
  • Apache HTTP Server


  • Python 3.11+

  • mitmproxy is a set of tools that provide an interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets. CLay utilizes mitmproxy‘s capabilities to intercept and modify HTTP/HTTPS traffic on the fly.

  • Jinja is a fast, expressive, extensible templating engine.

Quick Start

  1. Fetch and start CLay package installation.
    git clone
    cd CLay
    pip3 install .
  2. Generate new configuration file. On the menu prompt, choose [1] Run CLay (default config), then enter the target URL for which you’d like to set up the CLay.
    CLay -g
  3. Start CLay.
    CLay -c config.json
  4. Go to

  5. (Optional) Build CLay as systemd linux service. This allows CLay to run in the background and be restarted automatically if it exits unexpectedly.
    chmod +x
    sudo ./ config.json
    sudo systemctl status CLay

Run With Docker (you have to create the config.json first)

sudo docker run -it -v $(pwd)/config.json:/CLay/config.json -p 5000:5000 kisanakkkkk/clay:latest -c config.json

Using bind mount (-v) to add configuration file from the local system into the container.
