Chrome will remove Heavy Ad

Recently, Chrome engineer John Delaney said in the Chromium group forum that he plans to introduce a new feature to limit ads that slow down the browser.

This is another attempt by the Chrome browser to reduce resource consumption. They stated that this is because advertisements that consume too many resources can easily bring a negative experience to users, which may significantly reduce performance, or they may consume power or bandwidth. As a result, the Chrome development team chose to start with ads, limiting the resources that ads can use, and actively remove ads when the limit is exceeded.

This intervention only targets ads that affect the most. Ads meet any of the following conditions, it will be classified as severe:

  • Uses the main thread for more than 60 seconds in total
  • Uses the main thread for more than 15 seconds in any 30-second window
  • Uses more than 4 megabytes of network bandwidth

Chrome product manager Marshall Vale mentioned in May this year that only 0.3% of ads exceeded this threshold, but they accounted for 27% of network data used by ads and 28% of all ads’ CPU usage.

The Chrome team provides a test site, you can enter any URL to test the advertising on the specified website.

After several months of trials, this feature has become more complete and will be gradually rolled out in the next Chrome version starting this month. It is applicable to Google Chrome for Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android. Only Android Webview does not support this function, because Chrome’s AdTagging function does not work in WebViews.

In addition, Delaney said that it has also received positive feedback from Microsoft Edge, so it can be expected that Microsoft Edge will also launch this feature.