Chrome browser launches Memories feature

After the Chrome browser launched the Share Hub feature last week, this week it continued to launch a new feature called Memories to help users manage their network activities.

Memories is a dedicated page that can display all user’s network activities in one place, including tag groups, bookmarks, Chrome history, and its URL, website icon, timestamp, and page title. In addition, the memories page also includes a search bar to help users search for their own network activities. Although similar functions for managing network activities already exist, this is the first time that a browser has launched a dedicated page to support this function.

However, the Memories feature is currently only available in the Canary version, and users using the Chrome Stable or Beta version cannot use this feature temporarily. To use this feature, users need to update to Chrome Canary 92.0.4479.0 or higher. In addition, this feature is not enabled by default, and users need to turn on the chrome://memories flags to enable this feature.

If nothing happens, this feature will be available on Chrome stable version on all platforms in the future.
Via:  techdows