Chrome App-Bound Encryption Decryption: decrypt App-Bound encrypted keys in Chrome

Chrome App-Bound Encryption Decryption

This tool decrypts App-Bound Encrypted (ABE) keys stored in the Local State file of supported Chromium-based browsers, including Google Chrome, Brave, and Microsoft Edge. ABE, introduced in Chrome version 127, binds decryption capabilities to specific applications to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data such as cookies (and potentially passwords and payment information in the future). This tool leverages the internal COM-based IElevator service, unique to each browser, to retrieve and decrypt these keys.

Supported and tested Browsers

  • Google Chrome (130.0.6723.91)
  • Brave (1.71.118)
  • Microsoft Edge (130.0.2849.56)


This tool should be run from within each browser’s application directory due to the path validation constraints of ABE.


  • Operating System: Windows
  • Build Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio C++ or compatible compiler (e.g., MSVC cl command)
  • Libraries: Requires the following libraries: ole32.liboleaut32.libshell32.libversion.lib, and comsuppw.lib.

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