Chakra GNU/Linux 2019.01 “Hawking” RC2 released

The Chakra GNU / Linux project was updated with the Chakra 2019.01 version, which is code-named Hawking, to commemorate the logician, mathematician, and philosopher Kurt Goedel.

Chakra is user-friendly, powerful release and self-running CD-ROM, which is based on Arch Linux. Its features include a graphical installer, automated hardware detection and configuration, the latest KDE desktops, and a wide variety of tools and accessories.

The 2019.01 version introduces several noteworthy changes:

What’s new since RC1 2?

  • added vdpau driver and libs to enable HW accelerated video
  • moved the kickoff menu from the latte dock to the top left corner
  • renamed from 2018.12 to 2019.01


  • slow startup in Live mode
  • slow start of calamares (around 1min the first run, caused by fc-cache )
  • update images in calamares and heritage

Known Issues

More detailed information and version information for key components can be viewed in the bulletin of the project.
