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Bokeh 0.12.7 official release, Python interactive visualization library

After a number of development and candidate version, Bokeh finally released the official version of 0.12.7.

Bokeh (Bokeh.js) is a Python interactive visualization library that supports modern web browsers that provide the perfect presentation. Bokeh’s goal is to use the D3.js style to provide elegant, simple and innovative graphical style while providing large data sets of high-performance interactive features. Boken can quickly create interactive drawings, dashboards and data applications.


The new version brings a lot of fixes and improvements, in terms of features include:

  • Support graphs / trees / networks
  • Easily control the aspect ratio of the screen
  • Use a subset of column data (progressive) to draw (such as filter data)
  • [Starter] Allows the layout to accept any nested list
  • Pass the http request parameters to autoload_server and pull_sessionPass
  • [Component: build] Developer docker tool
  • [Component: bokehjs] [widgets] displays the text input type (for password input) as a widget attribute
  • [Component: bokehjs] Add major_label_overrides to colorbar
  • [Component: server] Add metadata support to the bokeh server
  • [Component: bokehjs] Increase the number of zoom levels available for the bokeh image source
  • [Notebook] The notebook display can be extended through an external library

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