Best Mobile Apps To Increase Your Productivity and Effectiveness

Concentration and productivity are essential to achieving results at work. This skill is especially relevant when switching to remote work when you have more distractions than in the office. And the employer is already more meticulous in measuring the efficiency of employees – not only by the results but also by the resources spent on achieving them.

Everyone has their own biological characteristics and the ability to focus on the process, the brain will always find something to distract it from performing tasks efficiently. We use social networks 24/7, respond continuously to messages in instant messengers and work emails, get lost in incorrect project management, and dream of completing the most difficult tasks immediately.

There are a plethora of apps available for concentrating attention on job activities. And, in order to figure out which one is best for you, you must first identify your weakest area and what has to be improved: organization, habits, attention span, and so on. When selecting productivity applications for oneself, consider the following factors: your goals, the app’s simplicity of use, the number of participants (whether you want to use it in a team or simply for yourself), and the app’s value for money.

Let’s take a closer look at some apps that can simplify your work process at least a litte:

  1. Forest. It is a perfect application for those who want to improve their habits. The application is made in a game format to increase productivity. To focus on one task, you need to set a timer – then all pop-up notifications on your smartphone or tablet will be blocked and you will not get distracted. When the timer is activated, the tree is planted. The more time you spend away from your device, the bigger it gets. The lock is removed at the conclusion of the duration, and you see a tree or perhaps a forest as a result. You may earn virtual money in the app by focusing on your duties and then use it to cultivate real trees in the Forest app.
  2. Clean Email. Try to think about how much time you spend on emails every day. Probably a lot. Even if you think that you want to check one message, you will definitely see something else there and will not even notice how you already spent 20 minutes reading important and unimportant messages. And what if it is just early morning and you have so many things left to complete. The Clean Email app will organize your email inbox according to your needs and help you unsubscribe from unwanted emails, so unimportant promotions and spam messages will not distract you from work.
  3. Todoist. This useful task management tool makes it simple to keep track of and arrange your daily to-do list. Tasks may be created and organized, dates can be established and changed, priorities can be defined, and project goals can be prescribed. You may track your progress using the app’s measuring and reporting function.
  4. Verifier. Gathering emails for marketing email lists is a very time-consuming process. But without verifying it from time to time you can’t know which emails have become invalid. Bulk email verification is an essential procedure that should be performed on a regular basis to maintain the health of email lists. With an email verification tool, it becomes easy to reduce the bounce rate of your email marketing campaign and increase ROI.
  5. Toggl. This application helps you keep track of how much time and what task it takes. When you better understand how and on what you allocate your time, you can learn how to use it as efficiently as possible. Using this tool for teams, you can track the total amount of time spent on tasks. Plus, determine which one is the best for which employee and who can perform tasks in difficult conditions. In addition to a simple timer tool, Toggl offers detailed reports of all received data and offers simple scheduling to optimize performance.