APTRS: Automated Penetration Testing Reporting System


APTRS (Automated Penetration Testing Reporting System) is an automated reporting tool in Python and Django. The tool allows Penetration testers to create a report directly without using the Traditional Docx file. It also provides an approach to keeping track of the projects and vulnerabilities.



  • Demo Report
  • Managing Vulnerabilities
  • Manage All Projects in one place
  • Create a Vulnerability Database and avoid writing the same description and recommendations again
  • Easily Create PDF Report
  • Dynamically add POC, Description, and Recommendations
  • Manage Customers and Company

Vulnerability Database

The vulnerability database allows you to save time while creating a report for a project. If you find some vulnerabilities again and again in different projects while creating reports you don’t want to type the same description, or recommendation again and again. In that scenario, you can maintain a vulnerability database where you can add the vulnerability title, description, recommendation, reference link, and CVSS Score.

Once you create a new vulnerability for any project you can select the vulnerability from the vulnerability data and it will atomically add the description, recommendation, etc for you.

Vulnerability Database List

If you access you see all the vulnerabilities saved as database collection in the table. You can either delete, edit or add new from the same page.

Edit/Add Vulnerability Database

Once you click on the edit/add button in the above table. You can edit/add the Vulnerability Database details like Vulnerability Title, CVSS Score, Description, Recommendation, and Reference Link.




Install & Use

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