Using SBOMs for Application Security

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A software bill of materials is a machine-readable list comprising all of the software’s numerous elements and dependencies. It is frequently used by software engineers to track these components.

A software bill of materials (SBOMs) improves transparency between software buyers and sellers by providing essential insight that helps discover vulnerabilities and enables speedy incident response. SBOMs solve inefficiencies in the software development process that create a visibility gap between clients who rely on the program’s functionality and developers’ or suppliers’ understanding of the product’s build and source components.

In this article, you will learn about SBOMs and why they are vital for your application.

SBOMs Are the Key to Application Security

There are various advantages to increasing openness about what code components exist in software. Most significantly, it enables businesses to reduce risk by making the early detection and mitigation of susceptible systems and license-violating source codes possible. It also encourages safe software development practices by allowing developers to examine the code they embed in their own work properly.

How to Create SBOMs?

A software bill of materials should be updated on a regular basis to offer the most accurate insight into the source code components in use. Organizations must first identify relevant software inventory components such as dangerous information, vulnerabilities, licenses, and versions to manage SBOMs.

Creating an SBOM is a time-consuming and grueling task. First, you need to gather component information, enumerate attribute information, and build the SBOM. Before creating the principal component file, complete the basic adjustments.

  1. Prepare the file for distribution to stakeholders and potential clients by reviewing and finalizing it.
  2. Monitor the file’s integrity, correct any errors, and keep it up to date.

Best Practices for Generating and Auditing SBOMs

Creating and auditing SBOMs necessitates a cutting-edge methodology that may assist you in overcoming the obstacles of supply chain risk mitigation.

Some best practises for handling software bill of materials are as follows:

Make use of a tool that allows for automation

An executive order signed by President Joe Biden has mandated that software inventories be created automatically in a machine-readable format. You will not fulfill these standards if you utilize a tool that does not offer complete automation. You can also leave weaknesses in your supply chain for attackers to exploit.

Make use of a tool that allows for continuous remediation

To fully benefit from the use of an SBOM, you’ll need a tool that can identify and resolve supply chain hazards on a regular basis. It should help you avoid dangerous components during the procurement process and inform you whenever an abnormality is discovered during development or production. In the event that an upstream component becomes contaminated, it should also be able to detect concerns in downstream components.

Make use of a tool that can handle all elements of an SBOM

You’ll need a comprehensive programme that keeps track of your supply chain’s components and keeps them up to date and correct. An end-to-end tool will cover all of your organization’s technological stacks and programming languages. Otherwise, you risk generating SBOMs that don’t accurately reflect your software inventory.

Make use of a tool that will make your life easier

You’ll need a flexible tool that will show you how to solve the issues you’ve discovered, scale easily throughout your software ecosystem, and provide lesser false positives. You won’t need to stop and investigate how to address a vulnerability if you use a decent programe, and you won’t obtain insufficient SBOM reports, which might influence the quality of the deployed product.

Advantages of SBOM Adoption

Any business that values risk mitigation and strong cybersecurity practices can benefit from SBOMs. Vulnerability management, third-party risk management, and software composition analysis vendors are already incorporating SBOM services to help enterprises make the move. You can streamline the exchange of information regarding software components and flaws, improve the supply chain’s integrity through training developers, vendors, and clients, and ensure that important fixes and remedial measures are rolled out and rolled back quickly.

Additionally, with the use of standard data files, you can easily share a product’s SBOM (json, xml, html, pdf, or txt). SBOMs provide improved software auditing, regulatory compliance requirements, record-keeping, and visibility into operating software, components, and system interactions.

SBOMs’ Role in Reducing Software Security Risk

SBOMs and Vulnerability Detection

Deep visibility into COTS applications is required for automating software supply chain security. This involves having access to a BOM as well as extensive vulnerability information to fully comprehend the organization’s security concerns.

Reducing Risk with SBOM Outputs

Once a vulnerability has been detected, the data produced by an SBOM can be used in a variety of ways. To begin, assess the outcomes in terms of likelihood and effect. A determination of the likelihood of an attack succeeding utilizing the found vulnerability is known as likelihood. The immediate and long-term effects on the company’s brand, bottom line, and customer experience should all be considered.

One efficient strategy to examine open source vulnerabilities detected in COTS software is to use the quadrant approach outlined below. By merely accepting the low-risk level, software with some vulnerabilities that are thought unlikely to be exploited with limited impact might be accepted for purchase, renewal, or maintenance contract. Obviously, software with a high impact and a high risk of attack vulnerability should be excluded.


To recap, SBOMs are a vital part of maintaining a robust and secure application, especially one that uses third-party and open source components. In this article, we discussed what an SBOM is and why it is important for your application. We also went through a comprehensive list of best practices for using SBOMs.

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